I'm having problem trying to decide on how to do this 1st hand investigation. The problem is
Aim: To determine the acceleration due to gravity using motion of a pendulum..
any ideas on how to attack this? i mean i gotta do this at home, especially trying to find home resources to do this... any...
these notes are compiled by me and my friends that perhaps stuck in this BOS discussion forum:)
Special Thnx
- Susan.S
for study notes in relations to songs names visit:
Feel Free to Distribute them and Share around
if u got some notes esp. in Powerpoint Forms msn me and ill pack them together and upload it so it would become an ultimate resource collection.
if in the exam i write my prescribed textb "Away" but then u need a related text on top so would the related text be counted if i write other presecribed texts that is mentioned on the exam paper eg.
Drama - Away
poerty - Immigrant Chronicle
film - Rabbit Proof Fence
would i be penalise...
i went to a field trip ' People & Place tour ' at Sydney around Pymont and Ultimo walk-about including the CSR factory
however we come across an extremely weird ph no. thats starts off 660 im just wondering what yr did the ph no. existed and when it start to have that type of ph. no and which yr...
Assess the significance of the Truman Doctrine in the struggle to contain
communism from 1947 to 1975.
for this question i had to do an oral presentation
but im confused on what i should mention due to the fact that the official BOS ARC dont have sample answer for this question so i cant follow...
Lol yea a soft drink bottle style one :D 1.25L one
The competition will be to launch an egg and recover it intact.The scoring will be the time the egg is aloft.If the EGG breaks,the score is zero.each team will get two rocket launches using either same rocket for both launches,or a different...
displaying line-by-line into a control array of labels
x as index
open text file
read line 1
copy value from line 1 to label(x).caption
next line
until EOF of file
but i cant seem to find one that work well..
well i done my SGP Last yr and i came 1st in the class..
here i have uploaded a package about the SGP i did
"How Global Warming affects Australia, its Economy and its People?"
Well if ur stuck on it u can see what i have done..:)
just bare in mind my work are majority are...
well im doiong about the Vietnam War : Battle of Long Tan
and now that i got my question planned
i don't know how to start on the introduction, body and conclusion.
the question:
There are many different controversial ideologies associated with the battle of Long Tan. Discuss with reference to...
my teacher asked us to make a educational program on the techniques
- Sorting
- Searching
- String Manipulation
- Array Filling
- Searching Techniques
* Binary and Linear
- Sorting Techniques
* Selection, Bubble and Insertion
- String Manipulation
- One...
im planning to do my project on
How the battle of Long Tan through different perspectives alter the history of the actual event since 1966 ~ 1973?
but 1 thing i found out that
theres only sources/ historians perspective on the Australian side but none from the North Vietnamese , e.g...
i want to make a uai calc. and this way it would increase my ability on programing since im studying SDD atm so any1 knows the formula or any1 know where i can get the resources from and then i can manually work out the formula:)
plz help ....
i really want to enchance my programming ability...
how many UAI is needed in 2008 for the programming related course?
and how much would it cost?
free? government fund?
or we have to pay ourselves....:(
Here i offer for those who neeed to learn the WW1 in a visual format:)
just to hope ppl will know wat it might cover!
tell me if link dead:)
i need more info on my research assignment
my topic was:
The Vietnam War:
How different perspective on the Vietnam War influenced our modern study?
where should i get my historical fact i meant historian view on history!
thnx in advance:)
need some1 to post me the formula for UAI calculations. i wanna try to program it in VB 6. or some1 provide me the source for it and i see if i actually understand....