Ok, say we're very very losely basing out piece on a real person (as in, same sort of career/you sort of have them in mind as your writing) would it be wise to use their name (first anyway) or should you change it?
I'm just curious because I'm baing my extremely losely on a real person yet my...
Today was our last official day at school. :)
Tomorrow's muck up day and friday we just have an assembly and stuff.
It feels so good, I never have to actually go to class ever again. Now its just study and exams.
who else has finished?
I'm really curious about this. I go to a Christian school and we have to either do Stduies of Religion or a non-HSC course Christian Studies (at the time of choosing subject I chose SOR becuase I sick of having Christianity shoved down my throat... things have changed since then but I couldn't...