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  1. L

    Tiberius Gracchus

    hey all i have no idea on what to do for my personality symposium on tiberius gracchus.
  2. L

    English speech/ Skrzynecki

    hey all i was wondering if any one has done notes on Skrzynecki's crossing the red sea because i need a bit of help as i am doing a speech on texts about physical journeys and its has to relate to a text from the stimulus booklet or Fuckleberry Finn
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    Napoleon bonepart

    Hey all im doing napoleon the first and why he quit moscow in the invasion of russia in 1812 and was it a great decission so i was wandering if anyone could help me.
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    napoleon bonaparte invasion of russia 1812

    Hey i was wandering if someone could help me with bonapartes invasion of russia 1812 were do i start and what do i do