Thought I would share these websites:
Okay I'm doing these three subject confirmed: CVEN2501, CVEN2301 and CVEN3401.
I was also going to do Macroeconomics ECON1102 but for the lecture stream with acceptable times there (during 9-6) but with the shit luck that I have it ended up having a clash with CVEN2501 and the other stream is...
So far I know Maths, Chem and Law are striking. Is there any others?
To measure how far below the ocean surface a bird dives to catch a fish, a scientist uses a method originated by Lord Kelvin. He dusts the interiors of plastic tubes with powdered sugar and then seals one end of each tube. He captures the bird at nighttime in its nest and attaches a tube to its...
Can someone private message or give me a link to a uni assignment that they have previously done so I can see this Harvard referencing thing in action.
The thing that confuses me is that you write something you find out. Do you write the source next to your information or you put an asterix...
Fucken lol, always knew they were rorting the salary cap with all those gun players. Broncos were robbed in 2008, lost to the storm in the last minute in the semi final, if we won that semi final we could've beat manly and win the premiership
Just wondering how mathematicians came up with this cause you can't multiply a number an imaginary number of times (at least I think so). Is there a proof or is it just an axiom or something?
Is it possible changing Physics Labs and tutorials at this stage. This is beacaase I have a Physics Lab and Tutorial on Friday and so so does my friend but he has his at different times to my. If this is possible do I do this through myUNSW or do I have to go to an office or something?