hey guys i just wanted to ask a quick question...a property of the hypothetical aether was that it has to be very elastic to allow the propagation of light..why does it have to be elastic? for wat wave property does this feature accomdate?
thanks =)
hey guys, just wanted to ask a quick question. if you had to find the sum of the roots of the equation x^3-3x+5=0, how do u got about doing it since in this particular question the powers of x do not fall from cubic to quadratic to linear, rather it falls from cubic to linear. in other words...
just want to clear up where these two hormones act...becoz different text books say different things so im kinda confused..is it safe to say ADH acts in the collecting duct AND distal tubule or just collecting duct...and does aldosterone act throughout the nephron except the collecting duct?
Hey guys can u please help me with this question:
A magician can only perform a trick if the spectator does not choose one of the kings, from a standard pack of cards. If this does happen he tells a joke which he uses to dismiss this selection (which is then returned to the pack) and convinces...
for the method of this experiment is allowed to have the reaction between hydrochloric acid and calcium carbonate in the same beaker with the distilled water or MUST they be separate in other words one test tube containing hydrochlroic acid and calcium carbonate and the co2 produced is...
hey, wanted to know wat are the major things u must include in your answer in order to get full marks?..in the question/dotpoint "outline the experiments carried out by gregor mendel".
Hey i was wondering if u guyz myt rekon that a cross section may appear in the geo paper dis year..what ur opinoin about it...coz i dont know how to draw a cross section:confused: