Hi Guys
Anyone have I.T exam papers frm ur skool hat u can put up for posting? Recently did my half yearlys and they marked the I.T exam so harddddddd and said thats how dey r gonna mrk it in the HSC so it REALLY scared me........so thought more practice is best..........if u do have papers...
Hi Guys
Just wonderin abt the subjects Im doin at school
I do:
2 unit maths
2 I.T
2 Chemistry
2 Biology
2 Standard English
Just wondering if these subjects wil b enough to get 95+ in the UAI....If I wanna get 95+ how shud I b doin in my HSC exams.......shud I b gettin 90+ in all...
Ne one doin I.T dat can recoomend a suitable textbook datz well worth the money....is it worth to buy the textbook that the TAFE book referrin to "Computing Fundamentals 4th Edition" by Peter Norton?
Im doin it @ skool and da skool doesnt relli help in the way of text books....