Hi guys i have three questions in which i need help in - i am doing maths a uni and dislike logs
Question 1 is on an attactment <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shape id=_x0000_i1029 style="WIDTH: 105.75pt; HEIGHT: 15.75pt" type="#_x0000_t75"...
A real estate agent charges a commission of
2.25% for every dollar up to and including $200 000
1.75% for every dollar over $200 000 up to and including $500 000
1.55% for every dollar over $500 000
q1.If you sell your apartment with this real estate agent for $265 000 what commission will...
A real estate agent charges a commission of
2.25% for every dollar up to and including $200 000
1.75% for every dollar over $200 000 up to and including $500 000
1.55% for every dollar over $500 000
q1.If you sell your apartment with this real estate agent for $265 000 what commission will...
I am stuck any help will do
John earned $ 1825 in simple interest on an investiment of $100,000 with a term of 117 days
Calculate the daily interest rate-as a percentage, correct to 3 sig figs
Anyhelp will do
the uai cut-offs normally in the late round offers- do the increase or decrease?
And what is the likelyhood of getting a late round offer?
Congrats to all who got what they wanted & anyhelp will greatly accepted
Thank you
i have bio and legal tomza and would like to know some hints in getting thorugh the day
to anyone who is in the same position - stay focused and hope you like the questions
Today in my exam i was writting and then the boy next to me left the exam exactly an hour into it. I herd the conversation with supervisor say this perosn is having stressful situation outside of school
i feel for him didn't finish the exam anyone eles have same experience withsome...
To all the people like me who are doing business studies tomorrow i wish you good luck and 4 the rest of the HSC exams , may the questions be to our liking
i know there are practical exams for music drama for trials i did a practical for bio
My teacher says we do one in the HSC is this true if so what day
Aswell i dont do but are there practical exams for chem and phyiscs if so what day
i know there are practical exams for music drama for trials i did a practical for bio
My teacher says we do one in the HSC is this true if so what day
Aswell i dont do but are there practical exams for chem and phyiscs if so what day
There are probably several thousand people in the same situation i have 2 ( 3 hour exams on the same day ) i know modern and eco are two, if anyone has had same happen to them in the past HSC years could they give us some helpful tips to get through the day
Can someone tell me if what position { ranking wise} would you need to be for you to have a shot at the number 1 postion come trials
my rankings
general maths - 10/50
English - ?
PDHPE 10/20
Business- 17/30
Leagl - 4/12
Can someone help me how do the board of stuides decide what exams are on what day :burn: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: i dislike this one some much
this is my first comment i have posted i am doing general maths , standard english, biology, legal /busniess studies & PDHPE i am scared i can not get a Good UAI Hope UAI 90+ what are chances