Hey guys,
So yeah I'm starting computer science and I'm just wondering if there are any disadvantages of starting mid-year? Like will I miss out on any subjects or anything like that. Also, is there any way that I can do extra subjects over the summer or something to catch up?
Hey, I'm not sure if this is in the right section, but I hope it is haha.
My ATAR fell well short of the cutoff for architecture, so I'm looking for different ways to get in. Is it possible to transfer after first year interior architecture to second year architecture?
If not, what's the best...
Title says it all really.
What it is the expected and ideal length of an essay response and creative writing response to achieve a top range mark of 21-25? (assuming the content of your response is adequate)
Hey people,
I'm just asking if anyone can post some practice essay questions for after the bomb - it doesn't matter if you made them up, or ripped them off an assessment you did, just post them!!
Thanks! :spin: