Ok heres the deal. Right now I am a qualified EEN (TAFE) and want to go to Uni next year. While the most logical choice is for me to go and do Nursing at Uni, I know there are alot of other things I want to try as well.
My question is, if I complete an undergrad BNursing, can I return and do...
So I haven't been on this site in years, but you guys always seemed to have the answers to uni questions.
I'm going back again next year, prolly to the Central Coast Campus, but will need to live on campus for bout 6 months until me and my mate buy a property up near Watangans. But I'd like...
Yes, I know hardly the most important aspect of Unis, but I've found good bars = good social life. I've heard bits and pieces about the glasshouse, the loft etc but can anyone tell me how they find them? Are they pretty active? Do many students go there and socialise? Whats the bar at UTS...
Does anyone know if CSU plans on bringing this course back in 2007? And does anyone here actually do it, or know anyone that does? I'm trying to figure out what would be better - 3 year B Nursing + 12 month Grad.Dip.Mid or the combined course? I'm liking the look of it at Wagga, but was hoping...
Hi, I'm looking into doing Nursing/Rural Practice at Gippsland Campus and just wanted to find out what the course is like to begin with - if I wanted to work for RFDS in either Northern NSW or Queensland, is the extra year of rural practice work it? Does Monash let me do pracs in Northern NSW or...
Hi, just wondering who else here likes Cold Case?
Mainly because I want to buy Season 2 of someone because the bastards won't release it on DVD. I'm lookin for the last ep of season 2 mainly, missed half of it :( and it's the one torrent I can't bloody find. I'm interested in buying the whole...
I'm looking at finishing my B. Nursing at a Sydney Uni (due to cost of living out of home) and am looking at which Uni I'd want to transfer to - esspecially between UWS and Wollongong. First off, anyone whos at UWS doing nursing - what do you think of the course? enjoy it? how much pracs...
..transfering from CSU BX. Now, the important questions, how will the social (drinking) life hold up compared to Bathurst? Coming from a dorm at CSU, to living in St George (and thus 90 minutes away from Uni), will we still be included in all the drinking festivitives, or atleast some of them...
Just wondering if you needed to attend USYD to play on their womens rugby team? I'll hopefully be at UTS next year, and USYD looks like the easiest team to get to (for training and what not, as Southern Districts doesn't seem to have a team)
I'm currently in a bit of a dilemma.
I'm studying Nursing at CSU Bathurst and absolultley love it. It offers the subjects I want, with an emphasis on rural health and allows me to elect my own pracs after Sem2 Year 2, which is very important to me. I know I want to work at Dubbo Base once I...
Anyone here studying Nursing?
Where do you do your pracs?
Would I be able to organise my own pracs at Dubbo Base or another state at any point?
I've got a question.
As much as I love living Bathurst, and the Uni and Lectures here, I've come to the realisation it's rather expensive. I can't find a job, because it's Bathurst and centrelink only goes so far.
So, my question is - at CSU we get to organise half our clinical placments...
Has anyone done this course at the Dubbo College of TAFE? Whats it like? Is it better going upto Lenconfield in Tammworth to do the basic training? Did it help you get a job?
So, who here is a nursing student? I've noticed a fair few, and thought what they hell aye?
I'm at 1st year at CSU and don't think I've had so many shots in 2 months before....Tetnus yesterday and my arm hurts. alot.
Just curious, anyone who has done the enrolled nurses program, I'm think...
I took a year off between school and Uni quite enjoyed working (and the money). I started Uni this year and while I love the social life, I the work and I miss the money and I want to go back to working, however I want my degree too.
Does anyone study through distance education? What's it...
anyone know how to get my songs from my ipod back to my computer? I deleated the music files a while ago and kept the libaray, but I want songs that are on my ipod transfered back to my computer... how do i do it?
I loved this when it was on TV.. Got the DVD's that have been released in Australia.
But I can't wait for the movie! And they're filming in Australia (Fox mainly) am I the only nerd who can't wait for the movie. (That, and Charlie and the Chocolate factory :p)