well then! obviously i am the first one done.... i finished at 3.55pm and i think i went quite well actually.... i used 2 books for each of the ewssay type questions and answered everything in the actual test... i found it quite easy actually!
Our modern history class is putting in for misadventure... becoz for half of the year we had self directed classes coz our teacher bailed on us. The supervisor said that tuition isnt usually taken as misadventure, but she said it has happened before so we can try for it....
it'll be good if...
i am thinking of the most creative way to reduce them to nothing.... wat r u guys gona do wif em... and plz dont say "keep them as a memory of school years"
is anyone else studying witness because i am in a bit of a pickle. i havent studied that one for ages and i was looking for some kind of summary or notes on it. Boredofstudies doesnt have anything about witness on it.... does anyone know any good sites.