Does anyone else feel that they are slacking off a bit after first semester?
Its really bad cos im leaving everything til the last minute, which so isnt like me. Im just hanging out for the 3 months but i keep forgetting that i have to pass exams at the end of it too.
It doesnt...
I had all my assignments due in and im starting to get my marks back and im only passing 2 subjects by 2 marks. I got 27.5 out of 50 for one and it was worth 50%. The exam is the olly thing left now and that is 50% too.
Im screwed!
BooHoo. I really like my course too, maybe im just not smart...
i get to go on clinical placement in may. How cool is that. And i get a stethoscope and surgical scissors. Its so exciting. I dont get to pick which hospital though. So it could be somewhere in sydney. But still cool!!!
Its 8 1/2 hr shift work am and pm for 5 days.
That is so cool.
I printed out the timetable for all my units and where it says weeks at the top It doesnt say all of them. Like it says wees 9,11,13-14,16-22. So does that mean i got first week then dont have to go the next but have to go the next?
My friend and i were a bit confused by this so i thought i...
If anyone has any old nursing textbooks that they dont need anymore do you wanna give me a price. Cos i have some but looking at the list i need a fair few more.
Anyway thought it was worth a try.
When picking our different things on the tut reg day i have Labs and skills and pracs and lectures and workshops.
I looked at the timetable thingo on the p/web page and was curious about something.
In the timetable it says under all the different units different days and times for say a...
How come in my enrollment info on P/web it says the status is UNCONFIRMED? then it says there is an error blah blah. Has this happened to anyone else??
Its on the page when u go to tut reg. I was just checking things out so i knew where to go and that. So is anyone else in the same boat?? Or...
Just curious to see who else is doing nursing at c'town.
Cos i am and im very excited.
Ive started getting all my needles too. And if you need to get the Hep B one i suggest getting the one with both Hep A and B in it. Its more expensive but in the long run cheaper if you find out you need...
ok this is based on my final yr 12 report. I dont go to a selective school. And i think last year about 5 people got in the 90's for their uai.
English Standard:
trial exam mark=72%
trail exam rank=1/94
assesment rank=4/94
Trial exam mark=63%
trial exam rank=2/7
Ok i have to hand in my IP to send away on monday and i really need some help.
How am i supposed to analyse and show an understanding of the craft and technical construction of a monologue?
And where can i find out some info ont he sylt of my monologue (which is fantasy)
HELP!! Really...
What kind of UAI should i be aiming for to get into nursing at Campbeltown UWS campus?
Its my childhood dream and if i dont get into that i dont know what else im interested in.
I went to an introductory thingo at woolongong and its UAI last year was 71.
Is this what i should be aiming for...
Ok here we go.
Standard english 77% 3/103
Drama 63% 2/8
General Maths 67% 12/97
Biology 57% 10/20
Chemistry 62% 3/8
PDHPE 60% 9/24
And i got to Picton High School. Not selective school.
So there you have it. An idea of what UAI i might be getting would be extra...
Ive written out summary notes and everything for Chem but nothing seens to stick in my head.
Is there any way of helping myself to remember all the masses of stuff?
And how can i help myself to understand some of the simple stuff which i cant do?
Some people in my class seem to know...
I have an assesment due 1st week back term 3 on options :Factors affecting performance and Sport and Physical activity in Australian Society.
Could someone please help me out with these questions. I kinda understand them but just need a nudge in the right direction.
Part A:
Critically analyse...