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  1. M

    change IP?

    Hi, I was just wondering for no parlicular reason (*cough, wink*) if you could still change your IP, like for example from costume design to performance (just as an example of course) yeah just wondering if anyone knew!
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    Has anyone here heard of ACA (Actors center Australia)? Bacuase I'm going to aply for next year, anyone got any words about it, advice, warnings? lol Michelle
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    The Herbal Bed

    sooooooo, my drama teacher is going to kill me (very violently) becus i have changed plays...... I am now doing 'The Herbal Bed' is anyone else doing it, if so do you have any advice on getting the script (fast) and or information on the charactors, because I cant sem to find anything (like...
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    Poll, Design plays

    Here you go Gummy!!! (Whoops a few spelling mistakes, but you get the idea!)
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    Judas Kiss - David Hare/please help!!!!

    Hey I'm doing Judas Kiss for costume design (well want to) and I cant get my hands on a copy, has anyone got a copy or could tell me were to get one??? I'm now beginging to get deserate!!!
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    Out There Designers (HELP)

    Hey I'm doing a really, art farty, kind of outragouse theing for my MTP and was wondering if anyone new and designers I could look up and use as reference or 'insperation' I'm having trouble Thanx
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    How much spending money????

    Hey I was just wondering how much money everyone is taking..... Like for food, spending, drinks, clubs etc etc, how much in tottal?
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    Whats is everyone doing?

    Hey I don't know if there is already a thread on this so I thought I would start one. I just wanted to know what everyone is doing for ther individual project.
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    Textile Innovations

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone is doing Textile Innovations like 'Smart Fabrics' and 'coolmax' etc coz I need some info and cant find any, can anyone suggest some web sites??? It would be greatly appreciated!!!!!
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    Given something up???

    Has anyone here given up any sports or Hobbies in the best intrests of there HSC? I have personaly and am wondering now if it really ws in my best interests...... what do you guys think??
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    I was wondering how important it is to record things in your VAPD, how much is everybody putting in? I only have about 6 pages or so, and what are you putting in? I'm having alot of trouble and worrying my arss off. Michelle