hey just a quick Q: i got a late round offer rite... do i need to fill in another CAF form ? (btw they hav the same course code if that makes any diff. they are both engineering courses)
thanx :D
hey ppl....im just lacking some motivation so i've come to the holy grail of all opinions ;)
anyway here are my ranks:
eng adv 75% 4/15
maths 75% 1/12
bio 81% 2/6
physics 80% 1/5
I.T (vet) 75% 2/10 ( but vet has no rank sent in)
my scools ranked pretty shit about 500 ish last yr...
hey everyone... i was wondering if people can post their I.T trials results up. Do it in you I.T period or sumthing LOL
i'll start it off...
(P.S. no need to say, no studying is required :D)
hey, i was wondering how everyone is prepareing for the trial on monday.
im just doing past papers, but is it better to just not worry and stress out about it ?
ta :P
has anyone got notes or can give an idea, why its an imaginative journey. I've read the book, but hard to pin point where the imaginative journey begins.