Anyone in Defence Force?
Anyone in ADF or interested in it, i've gone through all the intake process and im looking for my recruit training to start on the 4th or 11th april.
And yes I realise I spelt defence wrong in the title
Sorta predictable ag exam, nothing to out there on it. Seemed easier than other years.
Did everyone else have heeps of time to do the last question, you only spose to spend 30mins on it but I flicked to it with well over and hour to go. It felt like they needed more lines for the two 6 mark...
How we have 2hrs for paper one, after that do they collect the paper1 exams and then give us another hour and hand out the paper two exam or do they give us both and just 3 hrs to work through them?
Have you lost your license?
Well i have and its not the best im at the 1 month of 3 month stage. Its pretty crap especially when there is now public transport available, but i get to drive tomy last exam!
I lost it for not wearing p plates on australia day (+1 extra point). That took me to 1...
Hay, how many people do ag and how many people are from a regional area. I primarily chose it b/c of where I live and the fact that limited people would choose it making it "easier" to get a high ranking