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  1. *fkr

    Finance and Maths

    Hi Im a bit confused about this degree as found at and have a few questions... Is it a double degree with commerce or a single advanced science degree? What's the difference between an advance science degree and a normal...
  2. *fkr

    Easy implicit differentiation

    Gday, we’ve only done bits and pieces of graphs but I think we’re supposed to know implicit differentiation. Think I was away. Could someone please tell me where the last x dy/dx term comes from in:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p>...
  3. *fkr

    shaking carbonated drinks

    hey, i couldn't find the reason in my text book and was wondering why carbon dioxide is released when a soft drink is shaken? thanks
  4. *fkr


    i had a quiz in class today about naming hydrocarbons... our teacher drew all different molecules and we had to name them... she drew for one question C Cl4 and when answering the quiz she said that it was tetrachloro methane... when i asked wouldn't it be carbon chloride as it has no...
  5. *fkr


    hey, im just working through finding the roots of complex num's and am having problems getting all the right answers for 4 roots and more. could someone please show me the process they use for: find the five 5th roots of: - √3 / 2 + 1 / 2 (patel 4e-4c) cheers
  6. *fkr

    text books

    i was wondering what you'd reccomend as a supplement 4u text book if my school uses arnold and patel... i wanted to start looking at some of the stuff these hols
  7. *fkr


    hey, is ther a website to find out your schools rank and how exactely does it affect your uai
  8. *fkr

    commerce degrees

    g'day, i was wondering if anyone could tell me the difference between b commerce and b commerce (liberal studies)... thanks