I want to change one of my subject but i have no idea how to. Can someone plz help? I want to change from biology to Psyc. Do i hav to wait till my timetable comes out or do i hav to do it now??
k thnx americanshoes. Btw can i still change my units of stuides cos i want to change from biology to PSYC1001? can someone please let me know how i can change? Also if i do change do i still hav to pay for biology or is there a way to avoid that probs?? Please let me know ASAP.
americanshoes u r absolutely correct. That is exactly my problem. So wat do u guys suggest for me to do ECMT1010 or the MATHS1005? I still want the accreditation so i think its best for me to do ECMT1010.
by the way wat do u guys think of accounting/microbiology? Is it ok or is there another...
I know I don't have to choose my majors now but I still have to fulfill the requirements for my major studies.
I want to do accounting and microbiology. It's a very odd choice but I have no other choice cos I wanted to do finan. mathematics and statistics instead of microbiology but that is not...
I really need help deciding whther I should do a double degree. I hav interest in both commerce and science and thought that this would b the perfect degree. Howeva everyone is disagreeing with my decision and saying that their aren't many job opportunities. Yet I thought doing two degrees will...
I found the paper ok. I thought I did question 10 correctly but some people have posted answers which I didn't get. Can anyone help me with Ques. 6biii) what is the limiting value? how do u find it?
For the "personal respone" part of the question did we have to write in first person? I did'nt do this and I'm very worried!! What else did everyone do?? MY text was King Lear! Also I did teh charcterisation part on many characters rather than doing it just on Lear. Is that wrong?
Can someone please help me with te following essay question. My exams are in two weeks and I really need help.
"Evaluate the effectiveness of government policy in maintaining a sustainable rate of economic growth in Australia."
"Evaluate the policy options available to the govt. to promote...
we did not undertake the gel electrophoresis practical. We did a simulation program on the net. If we were asked to write about the practical component of the dot point wat should I write???