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  1. U

    General Thoughts: English Adv. Paper 2 (Modules)

    Oh my god. that was the worst. Wuthering Heights......WTF?!!!!!!! Why so specific Board of studies?! YOU BASTARDS!!!!!! Hamlet/Ros and Guil....Moral WHAT?!!!!!! again....SCREW YOU!!!!!!! Frontline....Meh. My memorised essay went down well. I will be happy to pass this paper.
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    Section 2

    thankyou. u made me feel better in your last paragraph! Lol.
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    Section 2

    I hated HATED the quote they gave us for creative writing. It was so narrow, and so many people i spoke to at school couldn't use their planned stories, as the quote just wouldn't allow it. It was crap!!!
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    French Beginners

    The listening was alryt, a few tricky ones! The one about the surprise party, was, well i thought, her father was going to africa, and she and her mother had organised a surprise party, so then had to change the booking and notify all the people she'd invited. That reading passage with Marrianne...
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    CSU - No Work, All Play? (Current CSU Students please read and respond)

    Yay! Im applying for CSU Bathurst for uni next year. I'm heaps excited. I've heard nothing but the best about the uni! :-) Does anyone do B Education (Primary)/B Social Science (Psychology) ??? I'm interested in knowing more about it.
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    Bathurst Uni...

    That sounds great. I am going to uni next year. I want to do a double degree [B Education Primary/B Social Science (psychology) ].... Do you know of anyone doing that course?