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  1. Z

    Significance of GPA

    Ok so GPA sets the benchmark for graduate recruiting, especially in larger/dominant companies. But how much of a difference would it make later on? Would employers focus less on grades but more on experience in the field of work etc. Is there still hope for those who didn't do so well in uni? I...
  2. Z

    Honuors in Economics, Second chance?

    I'm currently in my second year of my Bachelor of Economics degree. Although i intend to do an honours in Economics, i didn't put in any effort last year and as a result i did not make it in. I only recently found out about honours, masters degree etc. Can any one tell me whether its still...
  3. Z

    Significance of GPA

    yeah i believe so. i remember reading it somewhere. however i'm not sure if that's the case in all faculties.
  4. Z

    Significance of GPA

    so is tranferring to another uni the only option if i want to reset my GPA? is it possible to do so by switching degrees, say from economics to commerce? and sorry if i sound stupid again, but it's not possible to completely restart my degree/re-do first year right? argh, man i wish it were so...
  5. Z

    Significance of GPA

    LOL, shows how gullible i am doesn't it. argh, i just feel even dumber now. but yeah, thanx for pointing that out.
  6. Z

    Significance of GPA

    umm... not sure what u mean but yes i do believe it. just wondering whether it's difficult to achieve and what kind of marks should i be aiming for.
  7. Z

    Significance of GPA

    oh okay, thanx. but how difficult is it to get a gpa of 6.0?
  8. Z

    Significance of GPA

    So i just found out about GPA... and now it's giving me a headache. I was just wandering how much of a significance it plays when looking for a job after i graduate. Do employees really look at GPA when employing? Is it really a deciding factor? I feel like i've completely screwed up my degree...
  9. Z

    Failed electives. What now? No chance for honours?

    Thanks for the replies! i feel really bad now, i've been slacking off all year and only now do i regret doin so... i'm worried now that i've just been wasting my time and ruined my chances of making something worthy out of my degree... i've failed most of my subjects this semester too... so is...
  10. Z

    Failed electives. What now? No chance for honours?

    Hey, i'm so confused about all this uni stuff.... wondering if anyone can help me out. So i failed one elective last semester, and i'm pretty sure that i'll fail both electives this semester. What should i do? should i do an extra next yr? btw, i'm doin a Bachelor of Economics (1st year). Oh...
  11. Z

    General Thoughts - English Paper 1 2007

    I thought the paper was pretty decent except section 1 grrr... but anyways, the questions fitted my story and essay pretty well, just hoping i've answered the question section 1 - 13/15 (worse part of the paper, completely made up everything) section 2 - 14/15 (15/15 in the trial, adapted...
  12. Z

    My UAI Prediction

    Hey guys!!! This is my first post too. Just wondering if somebody can give me a uai prediction. I'm just freaking out now because despite doing well the whole year, i didn't do as well in the trials as i had hoped. Is it still possible to get a 90+ UAI with my rankings, my school is...