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  1. L

    Textiles 2007

    oh crap. i put digital prininting!! crappo!! i have 2 multies wrong already!! i put polyester lame can i get!!! lol it was a tosser between cotton and polester! i didnt know if it was a circular or double knit because out sheets that we received from teacher said sock were made from...
  2. L

    MTP questions

    apprently you can only be selected if you get combined band 6 with the exam and MTP together....well thats what my teacher said.
  3. L

    thoughts on 2 units adavnced

    it was really really hard. dissapointed! ive done all past papers and could get about 80% and up. this paper was just screwed!!! wtf was with question 10 b
  4. L

    Module B - King Lear

    i totallyu agree with somone up there^! thank god it said atleast one. there was no blooyd way i could only do one! i did lear and daughters and gloucuester. i did a psycho fam richard eyre reading. it was still pretty hard. lear sucks.
  5. L

    Inner Journey: Unexpected Encounters

    the question was alrite. a bit harder to regurgitate everything and defintely harder than last years "inner journeys are about self- reflection" or sumthing..which to me was the easiest question. it was alrite though. could of probably linked more to question
  6. L

    they better scale it up this year

    yea i totally agree. this years paper was wayyy harder than previous years. hpe we do alrite!!
  7. L

    Aah i dont regret my use of yesterdays time now!

    soooo hard for extended response! so much wasnt tested...what a waste of my life...seriosuly.
  8. L

    Writing your name in section III

    nah you dont have to pu tthat consultancy thing. every skoel does it differently and bascially as long as you have a report format and answer the question you will be fine. so bascially executive summary, headings and subheadings
  9. L

    MTPs gone, gone gone!

    yup! so glad its gone!!! now just the theory to focus on!!:rofl:
  10. L

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    umm vest subject rite now is textiles getting > yea proabbly my fav subject apart from the bitchy and competitive peeps in my class