Search results

  1. S

    Where do you find your music?

    I use mainly, and get recommendations of the forums there. Also, the radio occasionally, but not as much anymore. And OiNK...
  2. S

    JJJ - song you've just heard that you really like.

    I heard Oneida - Up With People during the day some time, and then checked on the net to find out the album had leaked :O That was the first time I'd heard of the band at all, and they have a really good discography. I was actually surprised to hear it on JJJ, most new music that I find...
  3. S

    recommend me some new music

    This is the band which got me into even more great music so I suggest Animal Collective. I guess you could lump them in with the New Wierd America movement (, but IMO they only fit there in terms of how 'wierd' they are, and their latest album was...
  4. S

    Recommend me some electronic music.

    Royksopp (first album) Mùm Four Tet Shpongle (go for Are You Shpongled?) Boards of Canada Coil Air Some Aphex Twin (ie: Selected Ambient Works Vol II) Also, give the Meat Beat Manifesto album 99% a listen.
  5. S

    What's your most moving piece of music

    Smashing Pumpkins - Today was played at a family member's funeral, thus... Some more: The Smiths - Asleep A Silver Mt. Zion - God Bless Our Dead Marines Beck - Lost Cause Syd Barrett - Dark Globe
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    Greatest Guitar Solo Ever

    Television - Marquee Moon Clearly
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    cool new remixes

    Actually better than I expected, coming from people with names like DJ Spooky >_> Tangerine is nice.
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    we love sounds

    James Zabelia is one kickass DJ, he had a great Essential Mix.
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    the shallow hot musician picture thread

    Richard D. James *faints*
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    Stephen King

    I read Four Past Midnight back in Year 6 or so, I thought only one of the stories was really worth it - The Langoliers. It's not scary though, I don't think any of his books really are (but I've only read Firestarter)
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    10 000 Days

    The album leaked, and I'm just listening to it now. I don't like Tool that much anyway :/
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    Who Else Is Going To Belle And Sebastian

    Dancefloor tickets are selling for $125 each on eBay right now :( I love B&S but not that much
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    best music video's

    I only saw it recently when Faker guest programmed but The Birthday Party - Nick the Stripper is wieeeerd
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    Blues and Roots Festival 2006

    Sigur Ros were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G at the Enmore. Enjoy :)
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    Your Anthems

    I'd say the song I'm listening to right now is somewhat of an anthem Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
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    what movie have you cried over???

    The only movie where I've ever cried uncontrollably was Dancer In The Dark. Just thinking about it sad. Girl, Interrupted also brought a tear to my eye though.
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    What songs make you happy

    Animal Collective - We Tigers Pure joy
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    What is your all time favourite book?

    I haven't read a great amount of books, but my favourite is probably Catch 22. Hitchhiker's Guide and To Kill A Mockingbird are great too. These are pretty basic suggestions, oh well.
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    Corny/Cheesy sacharine movies that you know are bad but you like anyway

    Oh man I loved Little Giants, and the 80s John Hughes films (thought not for them being corny, I really do like them)
  20. S

    last 5 musical purchases.

    I bought The Grates' debut album on release day, that's the only recent purchase I can remember.