i sort of had a different situation here...
they told one of my best friends they loved me.
never told me.
but then broke up with me.
i always loved them.
but never told them.
still do.
sometimes i wonder if it would have turned out differently had i told them...
but no point dwelling on...
sounds like this guy i used to work with...and dated
he turned out to be an arsehole.
comeplete arsehole.
so yeh...
maybe its best he doesnt know...
who knows.
dont take my crappy advice.
i suck at it.
ok, yes ull have another girlfriend.
but comoing from a girl.
you come across to me as arogant?
i cant spell...damn it...
well...maybe you should kind of just...
i dunno...
not be so...
"im so cool"?
the funny thing is...
you all seem to have gotten confused by what i said...
i am not chasing him...
im not talking to him...
i dont give any attention TO him...
i just wonder to myself why the hell this happened.
but im moving on.
if he wants to be my friend, he will eventually come to me...
He's still avoiding me.
he told me he still really wanted to be friends...
but when i try to be his friend...
he doesnt want it...
i dont know why he is avoiding me...
actually i do...
i cant say what happened...
as he already hates me enough...
and its pretty damn messed...
hes pretty...
but the thing is...
i did...
and he made things worse by treating me like dirt...
it didnt help working in the same environment...
ill get over it
he broke up with me...
said it was because he wanted to be friends...and he really emphasized on that...still being friends...
There were other reasons he hid from me...
that i found out...
shit went down.
it was hell.
i am hurt.
he doesnt care.
i have learnt not to date...