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  1. F


    WHOOOOOOT WHOOOOT EASIEST TEST EVAH!!!!! They threw marks at us... The essays THANK YOU GOD!!! they were so easy... coming from a person who literally did no study as i focussed all my attention on the three hour ancient history test before it... Seriously if you thought it was hard then i don't...
  2. F

    Your thoughts on the exam

    OMG OMG Pompeii ROCKED!!!! i was soooo totally prepared for that is was scary... I do/did Hatchepsut New Kingdom Egypt to the death of thut IV and Minoans as my Personality, historical and society and found that the Historical rocked Society was harded than expected but still ok and Hatshepsut...
  3. F

    Hatshepsut Question!

    URGAY - how the hell did you write 3 booklets????? I barely made 1 1/2 booklets for both questions... I talked heaps about about a) and b) i thought but now i think i failed.... AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH i knew it was a bad idea to come on here...
  4. F

    Japanese Continuers

    Re: Japanese Continuers ... ridiculous.. AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH :mad: ridiculous would have been a good exam ... This one was sooooooo unbelievably hard ... I mean i came first at school in My trials for japanese continuers and thought i had it in the bag... i knew all my...
  5. F

    Does God exist?

    I'm back! Reitterating on what my last post said, WHY ON EARTH CAN"T I TAKE THE BIBLE AS FACT? It is! Yes man has interpreted it different over the centuries, but every bible isn't interpreted from the bible previous to that one's existance (ie: NIV isn't interpreted from NKJ) it is...
  6. F

    Does God exist?

    Hi i'm new to this but really want to add to your discussion on the topic. I am a Christian, I love life and GOD... In my opinion God created the world in 7 days. I know what you're thinking...There is absolutely no logical way that the world was created by one "man" in 7 days.And that's true...