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  1. T

    any acst guys?

    :) what do u think of stat 401? I was told it was the hardest unit offered by stat department:eek:
  2. T

    Big 4 vs MacBank?

    don't consider working in IB as a long term career..... if u want to get to ibank(even as an accountant, try to get familiar with john hull's options, futures, and other derivatives and michael lewis's liar's poker
  3. T

    any acst guys?

  4. T

    explain i-banks to me..

    John C. Hull. Options, Futures And Other Derviatives Get familiar with this book before ur interview.... CFA is not that useful if u want to be an analyst in IB... Usually,PHD is required for quant position, or at least master of financial maths/financial engineering
  5. T

    explain i-banks to me..

    it is a well-paid job, especially working as trader, quant or working in IPO There is a trader in NY, who earned 50 million usd bonus last year.