it has to be ranked first for all assessments tho.. well that's what i heard.. n im hoping its nto true coz i stuff trial. damn totally drag down my average
u know what.. :p im with yah.. i dont remember it as anything under family arrangements.. so i didnt do them.. but incorporate them if appropriate i swear i couldve made it to book 2 lol.
i remember treating them all equal.. n it's utilatitiraian ro sumfin. damn i cant spell it now.. i didnt even know what it means but i remmebered it ahhahahaa
i did b..
talked abotu indigenous family arrangement, single parent arrangements and same sex relationships arrangements..
damn it look so lack of content lol..
hahah i was a bit stuck ... but teacher sorta talked about it once.. n it's got soemthing to do with inequality in stuff liek laws?
n i incorpated family into it ahhaha... oops
but coz the anti discrimination act doesnt state discrimination again relationship so same sex relationships r...
inquestorial is right.. it's particularly on the judge.. civil judge gets to question n examine witness n go investigate evidence themselves.. n common adverse parties jsut present case to an impartial judge that only listen n determine the sentence..
but both is adversarial.. because both...