Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given, than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential.
Impossible is...
Um well I didn't do maths at all and I got above 90....... so it really doesn't matter.
But even if you do general maths, you can still do well. The dux of my school (who got 99.6) did general. So do whatever you want, and whatever you're good at.
Hey dude, I have the Chemistry Contexts HSC book that you're looking for. Rarely used (hated chem, and we didn't really use the textbook anyway) so it is in basically pristine condition. There is a fold on the front cover, from my school bag, but the actual pages inside are perfect. I also have...
I just got an offer to this course as well, so I guess I'll see you there. I was trying to figure out what subjects I have to do first semester etc, and it was all very confusing. I think that I am going to have to wait until the enrolment day, and ask the faculty advisors then.
They really...
OK. Well, if your GRADE as a whole is pretty smart, a rank of 23/45 (for eg) at your school may be equal to a rank of <10/45 in a school that isn't performing as well. So chin up. Is your entire Ext class really smart? You might all walk away with bands E4 or E3, which will make everyone happy...
I went to the open day yesterday- it was really useful, but i seem to have more questions than when I started.
How hard is it to get a job, once you move there? And, when I go home at the end of the semester (in the 12 weeks that the contract for accommodation doesn't cover) what is the general...
Tip from Tyra Banks to make sure that your foundation doesn't look cakey- soak your foundation sponge in water then wring it out before you use it to apply your foundation. I only saw this tip recently, but it really works. My foundation used to look really pancake-y, but now it looks much...
Yeah, I know about the rank thing. I was coming 14/21 at the half yearlies, but then I came 7th or 8th in an assignment that was worth 30%. I'm not quite sure what my rank is now, but I know that the average was 51%, so I'm a fair bit below average.
My approximate ranks for everything else...
I spose that first you would write what competition is... then go on to what the benefits of competition are. Say what would happen if we have fewer banking institutions- this is where the specific examples would come in. I really don't really know what else to say
Got my exam results back today for Chem, and I failed miserably. Got 41%
What does everybody think about dropping a subject after trials and before HSC. I do 12 units, so I can afford to drop it. And its my worst subject- I'm expecting band 5/6 in everything else. But I've already done most of...
'sarvo was my first major breakdown. Got 41% in Chem, a subject that I have been trying REALLY hard in recently- I got a tutor and everything. The average was 51%, but that makes me sooo far below average. All I wanted was a good rank.
I thought that I was fine until I saw my friend on the way...
I was always an A/B+ student in science, but history/english was my best subject. I chose chem as my science subject (coz i thought that I would be able to do it, having always done reasonably well in science). Just got my trial back and got 41%. Granted, the average was 51%, but still.
Yr 9 PDHPE, learning about STDs.
Student: Miss, can lesbians get AIDS off each other?
Teacher: No, I don't think they can, not thru sex
Student: OK
Student: Miss.... how do lesbians have sex?
Teacher: Ummmmmmmm. Moving right along
Question: Analyse the Reasons for the Different Historical Interpretations of the Use of Embedded Journalists in the Iraq War.
Even though my mark was pretty good (57/60), if I had to do this again, I wouldn't choose this topic- its so recent that finding information and wading through all the...
57/60 :jaw: wootwoot.
And reusing somebody else's major work? Didn't your teacher notice that you weren't working on it in the allocated class time? Our teacher was pretty good, all year he was asking about our questions and checking our drafts.