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  1. P


    hello! i posted a msg b4 but accidentally labeled it 'tesing' nnnn e way, i was just wondering if any1 here is doing their pip on fostering children or children's homes and if so, got any good sources of info? i'm comparing the 2 over time.. u no, kid's institutions & stuff...what do u think?
  2. P


    thx, gimme a buzz if u think/hear of n e thing. :) what did u mean about all functions? i've been doing some research & foster care seems 2 be so broad & won't ever be able to define it! ...oh god...
  3. P


    pip--fostering hey all, i want to do my pip on fostering children, but can't define... and i would really love to hear any opinions or experiences on the subject to help me narrow it down. foster children's/family's/parent's/sibling's insights--anyone who has an opinon really--would be...