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  1. M


    yer well those were my trial ranks. my others are bout the same maybe a touch lower but my school is ranked 154th in the state which is pretty sweet. im hoping for anything above 80 so what you guys are talking about is a massive bonus. cheers
  2. M


    is that a joke?? haha :mad1: :)
  3. M


    these are my trial results plus approximate ranks.. does anyone wanna help out predicting my UAI General Maths 94% rank 2/240 Religion 2U 82% rank 15/150 Biology 83% rank 20/150 PE 77% rank 10/100 English Adv 75% 60/160 :)
  4. M

    Another UAI prediction lol

    yer its a massive school.. 500 or something in each yr. chem wont count. im so bad at it lol. im aiming for 80+ and i wanna get my eng and PE mark above 75. do you reckon this would help? it would prob get me around 40 or so in PE and into the top 80 or so in eng. thanks
  5. M

    Another UAI prediction lol

    what about bio 83% rank 22/160 religion 2U 80% rank 70/150 eng adv 72% rank 105/170 PE 72% 50/107 gen maths 91% 4/260 chem 60% 32/40 my school is ranked 154th in the state cheers:)
  6. M

    40mins is a joke

    any help on how i can manage my time better? i normally would write about 4 pages in those booklets in 40mins.. how can i improve this because i dont feel as if this is enough
  7. M

    school scalings??

    i had to laugh when i saw warnersbay high.. lol you would get it if you lived in newy.. and another thing i laughed at was the fact that im ahead of hunter valley grammer school which is paying like 10 grand more than me a year or some shit lol
  8. M

    school scalings??

    wait i just realised that it is the top 200.. sorry bud
  9. M

    school scalings??

    is that out of 200 or is there more schools in the state? lol i wouldnt have a clue ay.. is that shit or good btw
  10. M

    school scalings??

    anyone have an idea what saint francis xavier in newcastle's rating is? what would a score of 80 scale up to? or down for that matter.. ps its a massive school.. thanks
  11. M

    uai estimate pls?

    can i just give a shout out to anyone else who thinks this el gronko cunt is a wierd fuck. excuse the language but ive been reading some of his posts. this bloke is a cock. get a life champ. stop trying to break peoples spirits. your a rank cunt
  12. M

    uai estimate pls?

    righto champ settle down.. i know i went a bit shit at the start but ill be sweet at the back end. pretty sure my situation isnt hopeless. i was just curious. i do have a life away from school and i aint just going to sit and stress over my so called 'hopeless situation'
  13. M

    uai estimate pls?

    well i reckon i could get in the top 75 or better. i was in the top 30 last yr i think i just fucked up a bit at the start of this one. I also reckon i will be able to push my others up by 5 or six marks. im hoping for band 5s. You are right about chemistry. it sucks balls.. possibly the worst...
  14. M

    uai estimate pls?

    religion is 2U.. my ranks are bio 49/152.... i think ive since gone up to about 30 chemistry 32/41 eng 132/176 maths 3/258 PE 29/108 rel 61/156
  15. M

    uai estimate pls?

    if i want to get a uai of 80+ what do i need as a minimum with my subjects chemistry biology general maths english adv religion 2U PE ?? and these are my half yearly results.. i know some are shit and i need to improve but just out of curiosity what would i get chem 62 bio 78 eng 60 gen...