Search results

  1. K

    Nearly Homeless.

    I assume Katietheskatie is a member here, and I assume, had I been here long enough to be aware of something, it'd be funny. In the spirit of these assumptions - Hehehe.
  2. K

    Nearly Homeless.

    Didn't know I was to be leaving until half a day ago. Bit of a disagreement with a housemate. With some smooth talking I might be able to convince her to give me a few days to get my act together (or at the very least, time to wash all my clothes). Either way, I'm in rather serious need of...
  3. K

    Nearly Homeless.

    Thanks for the pointer. 8-) So far found nothing in all of central and northern Queensland - I suspect I'm not going to find anything before I have to move out - in about 4 hours. :(
  4. K

    Nearly Homeless.

    I'm not sure if this is the right board, or even the right website but I am desperately in need of somewhere to live. (if anyone has any better suggestions on where to ask, I am certainly keen to know them) I'm currently in Queensland, north of brisbane but I'd be fine with somewhere in NSW...
  5. K


    Hey all, I'm only in year 11 but am already psyched up for Schoolies 2007 Mooloolaba!! Even now all the great places claim to be "booked out" - is it really like this? Can I get some advice from you 2006ers - how hard is it to find a place to stay (in mooloolaba)? I reckon a few of 'em are...