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  1. FunTwo

    Advice on subjects for year 12 - ext 2 eng, ext history

    11 unit ... more than me i am doing 10 unit^^ XD i hate doing lot of work.. so keep ur work and keep study and u will be GOOD!! XD ^^
  2. FunTwo

    Help Physic PLEASE!!

    umm i went to resource source.. THX^^ but can't find any notes on Yr11 preliminary notes.. all year12s T_T fine i will memorise the text book XD^^
  3. FunTwo

    prelim past papers!!

    i heard u can't find prelim past papers on net -_- very hard to find one... i need it too.. but can't find it XD
  4. FunTwo

    Help Physic PLEASE!!

    guys i am in trouble T_T my yearly preliminary is in 3 week.. and i haven't study for physic yet -_-;; can u guys help me anyone have notes on Module 1-4 which you can share.. please help!!
  5. FunTwo


    i'm just asking if i can 100 uai with these subjects-_-;;
  6. FunTwo


    Hi all.. i am currently studying ( very hard ^^ ) Standard English Mathematics Chemistry Physic Biology IF I STUDY SUPER FULLY HARD is it possible to get UAI +99?? with these subjects