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  1. F

    !!! does anyone think they have stuffed it up,!!!

    some teacherssay quantity over quality to a point, like mine we don't know how it works but we just do it ;P I didn't prepare anything and study for the hsc lolz and seem fine lolz
  2. F

    Vlass of '07' lets be different and tell us your text

    Whoops double posting but Vlass = class noticed after submitting LOLZ hahahhahaha XD
  3. F

    Vlass of '07' lets be different and tell us your text

    Well lets al try to be different with our text. I'm doing physical journey so my text are Away By Michael Gow Text 7 from BOS Warcraft lord of clans by christie Golden LOL:D a cartoon by reality check andstill loking for a lyric that is diffrent to everyone. please post as the more...