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  1. Sventina

    Popular Culture: Television.

    I'm doing Pop Culture, but my case studies are Surfing (ugh) and Harry Potter. I predict that one question will be evaluating the implications of one popular culture for society and one will be discussing how three different concepts affect some other concept. I'm obviously going to be right. |:
  2. Sventina


    D: Did you do SC history? Well, here is the story, incase you missed it: Since the first white settlers arrived, the dispossession and subjugation of the Aboriginal peoples and their land began. They were hunted for sport and forced into slavery. This discrimination continued throughout the...
  3. Sventina

    Afghanistan:Equality and Difference

    Yep. We were supposed to do one case study in class and one independantly. Independantly, I did Aborigines, and in class we were supposed to do Socio-economic classes in Australia. I know nothing about this case study, as we were taught nothing and had a substitute for most of the topic. The...
  4. Sventina

    Congratulations to the Top 10 Achievers

    For a second I freaked out thinking this was 2008 and I was like "Lolwhut? exam hasn't happened yet." Holly Lawson from Merewether High school is in there, from the year above me. Merewether is not a private school.
  5. Sventina

    how to study for SAC

    What everyone else has said pretty much. Know all the course concepts, understand theories of social change, know how to perform methodologies and future studies. If you aren't confident with being able to answer different types of questions, all you can do at this point is really do a few...
  6. Sventina

    I & S - Doll's House context (Norway)

    Honestly, I don't think that much of Norway's history is relevant to the play. You won't have time in the essay to have a historical discussion anyway. It is more useful to know a couple of facts about Ibsen, his views on women and the play's reception in Norway and other countries.
  7. Sventina

    Scientific/Economic Paradigms in Browning?

    I don't know if other people have said this, I didn't read all the posts, but; A lot of what Browning means is more in what he implies than what he says. We discussed Porphyria's lover a lot in class in terms of what is suggested about the characters' economic and class status. Because...
  8. Sventina

    Can we do 1 browning poem?

    Definitely do more than one. Choose two which link together, but maybe one of which contrasts your other texts in some way. Using more than one poem is advantageous for showing an understanding of a wider range of values, the only problem is really knowing how much depth you need on each one...
  9. Sventina

    I & S - Prescribed text they'll definately ask you to use?

    What Az said. I'm in her class, and we didn't do N+S. I refuse to use Browning though. So P+P and Doll's House for me.
  10. Sventina

    Individual and the Society - creative writing?

    It's going to be pretty much impossible to do something that hasn't already been done, especially for this topic. I'm just trying to make sure my plot is interesting and my values are subtly embedded, rather than just going "I R WOMUN ND I DEFY UR PARADIGMZ! >:|" My stories are always too...
  11. Sventina

    creative for individual in society

    I have nothing actually written properly. I refuse to write my previous stories. At this point I'll just be crapping something up as I go along, based on one of the ideas I already have. I'm hoping they have a vague stimulus though.
  12. Sventina

    who is so over english that they are finding it extremely difficult to study for ext

    Re: who is so over english that they are finding it extremely difficult to study for Yep. I don't even have a proper creative piece prepared. Just a few vague ideas. Trying to write text summary now. /wrists
  13. Sventina

    Caffeine while studying

    I got through most of the year by drinking at least a can of V a night. But I don't know if it actually did anything, I just felt better when I was drinking it.
  14. Sventina

    Feeling Like Shit?

    I'm actually feeling better as each exam goes by. I know I'll go down a bit as extension english gets closer. But after that, I think I'll be alright. The night before paper 2 was the worst though. I felt so screwed.
  15. Sventina

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    I have a few Bic ones, but I've been using one I can't remember the brand of. They are all mid-thickness with rubber grips though, because I find its much easier to write with a thicker pen, as you don't have to grip as tight.
  16. Sventina

    How are best 10 units taken from 11?

    Every two unit subject is made up of signle units, with specifically tested outcomes. If you do better in a one unit subject than in one unit of a two unit subject, your one unit subject is counted, plus one unit of the two unit subject. If that makes sense.
  17. Sventina

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    I think the way that people end up doing better is because the cohort brings them up. Usually school assesments aren't scaled, but in the HSC, the top people usually pull up everyone elses mark. So a good person suddenly doing shit would probably mess with that pretty good. But I don't...
  18. Sventina

    The Idiot’s Guide to studying just prior to, and during the HSC exams

    My last minute study plan usually consists of "stay up all night memorising practice essays". Usually works quite well, but I wouldn't recommend it. Never, ever, ever go into an exam wihtout sleeping, like I did in about 3 of my trials.
  19. Sventina

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    A lot of people seem to be looking at "power" and forgetting the "play" aspect.