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  1. F

    Question about Radiography and Pharmacy at uni

    In VIC, physics is a pre-requisite for radiography. If you don't do physics, you can get 99.95 and you still won't be accepted. Not too sure about NSW. Basically it comes down to what you prefer. If you prefer patient contact and getting your hands dirty, go with radiography. If you choose to...
  2. F


    The filth that is Dallas Gibson needs to be locked up behind bars and get 'serviced' by three bikies. I have never encountered such a scum human being in my life. I hope God forgives you Dallas. You're nothing more than an ex-bankrupt con artist prying on the vulnerable. You are a true bastard...
  3. F

    Dallas Gibson of Icarus College BANKRUPT?

    I love the circular reasoning behind marinababy's arguments: "Dallas is so great cos there are links on HIS website that says so." "Medentry are fakes cos theres files on dallas' website that says so." "Dallas is endorsed by doctors cos theres endorsements on his site that says so." I suppose...
  4. F

    Dallas Gibson of Icarus College BANKRUPT?

    Ok, assuming you are not the tool himself.... 1) So you did Dallas in 07 and failed to get in, and you're doing it again this year, and you're supporting him?!?! 2) According to you, Dallas' notes in 04 are not 'decent material.' 3) What's the deal with the link to medentry? I have...
  5. F

    Dallas Gibson of Icarus College BANKRUPT?

    Dallas Gibson epitomises the word 'con-artist.' His S2 notes were completely useless, and his S1 notes were 95% useless (did anyone else have those massive articles where you had to identify spelling mistakes?!?). His S3 might have been useful, if he didn't he barred me from using it A MONTH...
  6. F

    B. Radiography & Med. Imaging

    No offence bregitta, but I hope you know what you're getting yourself into. After you pass the honeymoon stage of year 1, you will realize how tragically boring and unfufilling radiography is. And the Monash course doesn't help by forcing you to do a research assignment in 4th year, when you can...