I called my mom and she couldn't take the call cause she was in a meeting, so she texted me.
'can't take call, sms me'
'good r u happy?'
But she was happy when she called me after.
Oh well.
I said screen printing.
I was going to do block printing, but then I remembered that I did screen printing in my MTP so i changed it :)
I think it went well :)
I sleep with my notes under my pillow the night before.
Read them on the way to school and over and over again until the exam starts.
I have my lucky pen, lucky underwear, my water bottle and s stick of mentos.
I did speer.
i said he was a winner, because he made himself one (ability to survive and such)
but i said history isn't always about winners. but in speer's case, it is.
I said that a strong human spirit is not essential, but it is inevitable at the end of the journey. Tied in with Skrzynecki, and my related were Woolvs in the Sittee and Spirited Away, so I think I went well.
I think.
I'm hanging mine in my room :)
I love mine, it was really fun to do.
It's in lots of pieces and lots of my friends want bits of it but nope, keeping it all :)
When do they get marked, does anyone know?