Search results

  1. giggsy013

    New library

    Thanks for the link. With both libraries open there should be much less of a problem finding a seat. Do you know what will happen to the old building once it's closed? It would be great if they kept it open just for some additional study areas.
  2. giggsy013

    New library

    Anyone know when it's supposed to be officially open for use?
  3. giggsy013

    Quick Question

    I wasn't offered a place in the Main Round of offers for my first preference at ANU which was Commerce. So my question is, if I get into Arts (which has a lower ATAR cut-off) in the later rounds of offers, is it easy to transfer courses later on down the track, and what are the requirements...
  4. giggsy013


    Extremely helpful. Thankyou very much. Appreciate it.
  5. giggsy013


    I was hoping to get into Macquarie for Commerce but ended up being offered a place in Arts. What is the best way forward from here in terms of getting into Commerce? Accept this offer and try and transfer later, or hope to get a place in the second round of offers? If I stay with Arts and...
  6. giggsy013

    UAC Offers in Newspaper

    Wait almost over for university hopefuls The nail-biting wait is almost over for about 85,000 university hopefuls who will learn on Wednesday night if they have secured a place at a NSW institution. The Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) will make 56,154 main round offers from 9pm...
  7. giggsy013

    who's scared about their atar?

    Well if you wrote with that level of spelling and grammar in your English exam, you can kiss goodbye any hope you had of achieving anything 'decent'.
  8. giggsy013

    2009 HSC Essay Predictions

    Thanks. You're obviously a very reliable source.
  9. giggsy013

    Free HSC Notes attatched

    What National Study notes should we expect?
  10. giggsy013

    The Justice Game

    rofl stubs
  11. giggsy013

    Relaxation music?

    Donavon Frankenreiter. His albums 'Pass it Around' and 'Move by Yourself' are just brilliant.
  12. giggsy013

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    Re: Penis Size Tiny.
  13. giggsy013

    Boy Bestfriends > Boyfriends

    I find it to be a serious point. Although I would say I am the opposite to you... I am the guy who is a good friend (maybe not best friend, but pretty close) to a girl who has a boyfriend who she has been going out with for a few months, but I have been her friend for much longer than that and...
  14. giggsy013

    Hugging the opposite sex

    Thanks people. Some of you were helpful, others not so..
  15. giggsy013

    Hiroshima bombings

    Was it necessary of Truman do decide to drop the bomb or were Japan about to surrender?
  16. giggsy013

    Hugging the opposite sex

    I am a guy, I have quite a few friends now that are girls. It's got to the stage where we hug each other if we haven't seen each other for a while. The problem is, I feel awkward doing this because I'm not sure about where to put my arms. Any advice?