Yeah i will definitely go. I did go to per enrolment even though i had my proposed program form signed :P (waste of time XD). I registered online or whatever, i'm going to the actuarial one do i still have to turn up at 8.45?
I once saw an amazing medical stories segment on this girl that stuttered incredibly bad. I'm not sure if this is true with all people who stutter but speak in unisen with someone completely removed the stuttering. They ended up designing a device that would replay her voice in her ear instantly...
Correct if i'm wrong but everyone who works will only get the tax break payments assuming they are independent from their parents (live away from home etc)?
It's alright for you because you get the money. My family gets none, nor do i. They even removed the $50 back to school bonus every family got and replaced it with $950 but only if your families combined income is less than 100k a year. We are slowly turning communist.
I would go with an e8400 (3ghz dual core). It has a decent multiplier and a low VID so achieving an overclock of around 4ghz (444 fsb) is easy on air. For your usage you want something with the highest frequency rather than the thing with more cores. You only really use quad core in video...
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
This may sound like a dumb question but which road do i catch the bus off that goes from epping station to macquarie.
This may help:
Don't mind me for over preparing as i will be the person that gets lost and misses everything on enrolment day.
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
Funny. I don't remember saying i was an industry expert. I think you're missing the point here aswell. I just don't think it's very nice to make fun of someone who doesn't understand something.
Whatever, i don't care anymore.
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
I don't mean to be rude, it just seems a bit low to talk to someone like they're an idiot because they asked a few simple questions. You clearly wouldn't make a very good academic adviser, you would probably just yell at the students for not knowing everything to...
Okay firstly i'm doing a bachelor of commerce - actuarial studies combined with a bachelor of applied finance.
Using this: (2008 recommened intake)
and this:
Timetable Maker (timetable maker)
Re: 2009 Macquarie Uni Offers
You don't need to talk down to someone just because they don't understand the proper process of enrolment and integration into university.
I could only imagine what you were like on your enrolment day.
Stop over analysing the question. You obviously don't factor in the reduction of n(s) [ the sample space ] for 2 main reasons:
-It is negligible
-The question doesn't indicate how many people are in australia so you have no way of determine by what percent the sample space is decreasing by.
Re: What did you think?
Let u = Sqrt[2x-1]
U^2 = 2x -1
u du = dx
Therefore the int. becomes
Int [ u du / { (u^2 - 1)/2 X u}
Anyway you get Int [ 2/ (u^2 + 1) ]
then just Int it like a arctan.
Re: Petition about Question 26
Letters of credit is one of the least risky strategies for exporters. A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. That means the exporter can be assured he is...
Re: 回复: Re: point of inflexion
Assuming it is a point of inflexion.
Just simply think about whether it will be positive or negative, don't actually find an exact value unless you can't work it out easily.