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    apple i-pad for uni?

    It would be awesome to have around the house, I'd use it all the time. But for uni, you need something more practical, get a netbook.
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    SDD, is it now a highly scaled subject?

    Last year SDD was considered the second most difficult subject, only coming under 4 unit maths, it was scaled high....
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    latest PC games you recomend!

    Frontlines fuel of war ftw
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    Time Travel, is it possible...?

    suppose time travel was possible and you went into the past to change something and then changed it, then in your actual time it would be changed and therefore you never would have gone back in time in the first place hence it wouldn't be changed..........
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    Need Desperate Help (Thera/Santorini)

    so we have our source analysis thingy on monday (30/6) and i thought it would be easy to find info and practice q's now i think oh crap i diont have any info cant find all that much need help please btw the sources are the fisherman fresco and the miniature frieze (Admirals Fresco)
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    Vista or XP

    XP all the way, vista is complete screw up by microsoft it sucks........ too many compatibility issues, and hardware conflicts whilst running vista, stick with XP XP ftw