i was thinking to use it as a related text as it foccusses on the history of conscription and the revolution, however has the beggining bit which shows the guy is goin to tell it as a story
please reply i need feedback
otherwise some easy and accessible other suggestions would be...
anyone thats done major appreciation i need some help locating resources on martha graham and doris humphrey their influences etc or old essays
any help?
thankss xx
I am currently in the process of completing an independent research project for Community and family studies. My topic is ‘What is the severity of Adolescents mental health today?’ and it would be much appreciated if you could complete in the survey and return to me asap, you can post your...
hey everyone
i just started to begin to write essays on Skrzyneckis poetry for class
does anyone have some notes on any of his poems
- feliks skrynecki
- st patrciks college
- ancestors
- 10 mary street
- migrant hostel
-in the folk museum
-post card
that could help me out
thankss heaps :)
although in a way everyone does belong
we all belong as a part of the human race
and within this group we can either belong or not belong to a variety of littler groups eg. age, gender, cultures, religions etc
the books r amazin i luv them
i hope she eventually releases midnight sun
because the first 12 chptrs r awesome
her other book the host is really good to
its really different