And I'll just re-post this as it has not been addressed
Well that is clever, but in a practical sense, we ARE all rational beings capable of cognition or knowledge and the only laws we have and understand are the ones that exist...not the ones that dont. But anyway, it is not the law in itself...
My point is not about abilities in general, just the ability to reason and act ethically etc, I mean the reasons arent arbitrary but what I meant was that whatever the reasons may be (i mean thats wat were discussing) the FACT is that no other animal or being matches the humans capacity for such...
Get back to the topic of Abbott, no one replied to my last actual comment on the thread...there is a 972 page long Does God exist thread for these discussions.
The discussion was about Tony Abbott. Not about the Bible or God. I am currently having one on the Does God exist thread if you bout you actually respond to my last statement before you wrote "you know God is a lie"... thats not wat this thread is about...
And not all of the Bible exists in the form of myths and legend, there are first and historical accounts, particularly in the New Testament. The Bible is not one book, but many and incorporates different writing styles and different techniques in illustrating the truth of God's goodness.
If there was no God there would be no atheists ahahahaha
And regardless even IF there was no God, you cannot deny that the premise of His existance has shaped the world in a way which atheists can only be jealous most of the world does believe in God or some Divine Being I daresay...
Elements, seem not disputing that they may have behaviour which may "seem" to mimick that which is moral and the arguments regarding this are contentious...however the fact is that no other species has the SAME capacity for moral and ethical decision making in comparison to...
Well that is clever, but in a practical sense, we ARE all rational beings capable of cognition or knowledge and the only laws we have and understand are the ones that exist...not the ones that dont. But anyway, it is not the law in itself that is remarkable, but the fact that it is so constant...
The way you write "believe in climate change" makes it seem like its a religion of its own and that those who dont believe that man-made emissions of carbon are the driver of increases in temperature are destined for eternal damnation or something...their is still MUCH debate about the extent to...
Then why do animals then not have a sense of morality or consciousness to discern right from wrong. Humans are entirely unique out of all Creation in terms of our ability to reason and discern right from wrong and act in response to conscience. If this was simply something that evolution...
In regards to the first two, although modern scientists may have proved that, they havent disproved that it is God 's will or God Himself that designed them to be moved without having another body moving on them (i know im straying from aquinas original thought in that instance, but of course he...
Dont care what anyone says Taylor Swift is one of the most gorgeous girls ever....just watch the video clip for "our song" or "love story"... I dunno shes angelic, simply beautiful, soft and feminine...
Nice how the thread is called "Does God Exist" and there I go trying to be faithful to the thread and actually propse an argument or five and it is nicely ignored. Mad thread.
I think that Tony Abbott will have greater electoral success than people think. There is a vacuum in Australian politics for a credible, conservative alternative that is not backwards and extreme. Regardless of what left wingers may say, Abbott is neither backwards, (He is a Rhodes Scholar and...