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  1. R

    What type of guy is this?

    An awesome guy :spam:
  2. R

    ITT: We atheists discuss and shoot down Wicca, Jediism but not Christianity

    I must disagree Magnetic levitation is possible with superconductors. It's in the HSC Physics course Check her out YouTube - Magnetic Levitation
  3. R

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Hmm to me it does sound like you have a bit of a racism problem. Were you part of the Jackson Jive by any chance? I do enjoy all the Atheists in this little forum saying Christianity makes no sense when they clearly have no idea about any of it.
  4. R

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Do you know how to debate? I'm curious to know if you are actually reading what I write or for that matter what you write. I have nothing to respond to here. Nice yarning to ya. God Bless, Ryan-91
  5. R

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    Hmm I see what you're trying to say but BELIEVE it or not I do understand the definition of the word believe. Here i was thinking that Atheists did not believe in God. Not that they see religion as a tool for control. Television is a tool for control and yet you watch? or do you not believe? I...
  6. R

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    For someone who has read the bible, and I assume you have as you have written "the bible is the best selling fictional novel ever...and its a boring story" implying you have read it, you sure do know very little about what Christians believe. I'd get your facts straight before you join a...
  7. R

    Why are atheists on this website always attacking Christianity?

    People do not believe in God because it is written, they believe because they have hope. Rather than enforce my opinion upon you, I will give you something to think about. If Christians are right or any other religion for that matter - we will go to heaven, we will live forever in paradise. You...