my economics teacher literally told us that in passing about two minutes before we went into the exam
and then when i was writing my monetary essay, i was like "in fact, just TODAY, the RBA has announced that they are dirtying the float" hahahahahahh i was like hellz yeah
i hope...
anyone know what a raw mark of 90-95 would be scaled to?
that's me being very optimistic and curious
as my economics teacher has been an hsc marker for like ages and she says that kids actually get 100 in the paper hence does that mean for everybody else the scaling becomes less?? because...
what the hell
that series one is def 12
if you sub n=12 back into the sum formula then you get over 400
plus because the first term is actually n=0 because it hasn't been zoomed, hence why people got the final answer as being n>12.5 or whatever it was, but the answer is 12 times
i think 12 is (d), just from doing loads of questions about funding budget deficits, but there has been some argument about that if you read above
but otherwise i got exactly the same, just there's been argument about Q7, whether it was (a) or (c) so unsure about that
17 is (a) because the GST is regressive, as in, it taxes the same percentage no matter what income you earn, therefore is a disadvantage to lower income earners who have to pay more of their income than higher income earners thus increasing inequality
Re: Multiple choice answers
okay tops thanks !
just actually everybody at my school put that it was a subsidy, but i thought that subsidies didn't change the price and then a girl said that a quota would have a straight line down graph
woo so 19/20 depending on what Q7 was ...i put C but...
i predicted both the essay questions that i did!!!!!!!!
well, i predicted a trade organisations one, and a micro one, and a monetary one so woooooo!! when we did the paper check, it was like christmas i actually started grinning
and my hand was dying during the essays because i had modern...
i did both those things too, i think it's right as long as you could link special economic zones to economic development, as opposed to just economic growth
and more competition in the financial sector due to introduction of foreign banks
Re: Multiple choice answers
what was the one with the diagram and the increase in the domestic price?? i can't remember what question number that was, my friends said it was the subsidies one because i put the quota one but does a quota have a straight line down instead