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  1. M

    Hai Thar

    Charles Bukowski.Jack Kerouac.William S. Burroughs.Allen Ginsberg.Read + Discuss.
  2. M


    Hey guys, just wondering what i'm up against in the chem hsc. I probably wont do awesomely but I think I'll go well. Saying that I haven't really studied yet :S.Who is hoping to get a state ranking in Chem? how are you guys going in past papers?
  3. M

    ATAR Estimate OMG

    oh hai. I think it would be awesome if you guys could help out by estimating my ATAR. I am hoping for 95+ but will have to study much more for the Exams to acheive this. ME2 - 6/12 ME1 - 6/~20 ENA - ~40/~80 CHEM - 1/~25 PHY - ~2/14 BIO - ~1/~25 Thanx in advance... :)