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  1. A

    UAI Estimate

    shhht*** its ranked real low. but 2007 hills was very low nd had like only 30 students now weve got like 120 n way more smarted ppl.
  2. A

    UAI Estimate

    i go to hills sports high school, i duno were der ranked. do u i dunno. i wanna go through uni or if not tafe. 70's sounds good thanx
  3. A

    UAI Estimate

    hey dis is wat i got for my trials n pretty much evryfin. tell me wat uai i can get. physics: 6/18 51% english standard: 5/73 65% General Matchs: 1/54 82% economics: 5/9 52% Legal Studies: 6/12 52% Design and technology: 1/5 90% i want to do architecture. wat uai will i get?