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  1. D

    Did anyone do Witness?

    I can say I was well prepared for this. Even though we didn't spend much time in class on characters, Our teachers said to us, they can ask us anything, including one specific character, so I made sure I focused on some of the main characters while studying. Done this for all Modules, because...
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    Errr. Business Services = Boring at times [Just depends on if you enjoy the subject or not] but easy.. Like really easyy. Pdhpe = Hard, confusing, so much content. Drama = Major Involved. That pretty much sums it up. I do both Business Services and Pdhpe, and I hate Pdhpe so much.. What sucks...
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    Skrzynecki People! How many poems did you talk about and which ones??

    Feliks, St Pats and Ancestors + my 1 ORT.. Altho with Feliks and St Pats I wrote about 2 techniques, and only had time for 1 technique for Ancestors.. Andd thank God its overr. No more hearing the word "belonging" and "Peter Skrzynecki" in the same sentence again!
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    Thanks for the adds

    Thanks for the adds
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    Fav/Worst Airport

    Favourite: Sydney.. Like half of Hervey Bay.. Worst: Fiji .. It was a bit of a bumpy landing.. Oh and the other half of Hervey Bay airport I don't like..! Now when that first opened in like 2005, the plane would go up and down a few times.. Now Its good but its still small, it needs to be...
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    Stay away from this subject!

    I have to agree with what everyones saying about this subject. Its not boring. It actually gets you somewhere in life. Its a pretty easy and down to earth subject where most of it is basic knowledge. Yet, if you find it so boring, why bother signing up for it. Maybe you should have went around...
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    Dropping anything in Year 12?

    I do want to drop Pdhpe.. Although if I do, means I cant go for a UAI.. And I dont know what I want to do when I finish schools so it makes it even more of stressful time that what I already have to cope with.