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  1. J

    your current favourite song

    Parkway Drive- Carrion/ Five Months/ Frostbite and also Horizons
  2. J

    Primary Industries

    It was my favourite the chemical and plant resonse were the best!! i was so happy when i got that
  3. J

    Favorite fictional character

    Billy off the grim adventures of billy and mandy
  4. J

    Favorite fictional character

    You do know that pirates is a porno lol..
  5. J

    Which famous person(s) have you seen/met?

    The globe aus team (didnt speak to them they just walked straight past me when i was skating out the front of a skate shop) Seen the Offspring and saosin, and pretty much every band from soundwave in melbourne thats about it really oh and the wiggles and a few footy players
  6. J

    Primary Industries

    What did everyone think about this exam?