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  1. S

    Calculations in Balance of Payments

    Thanks! But the answer for the first question was $21b not $-21b i picked $-21b but i guess the answer could be wrong?
  2. S

    Essay Predictions - HSC 2008

    I think inflation will most likely be in it .. its a huge issue right now also, environmental issues may show up as well .. it's a feeling my economics teacher got
  3. S

    Calculations in Balance of Payments

    Hi, there's this question where: Net Goods = $-15b Net Services = $-6b Net Income - $-25b Current Transfers = $-2b What is the balance on goods and services? i picked $-21b but the answer is $21b Why? Please help Also, when it asks for the most likely reason for Australia's persistent CAD, do...