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  1. S

    VCE Tutor - Maths Methods CAS, Specialist Math, Accounting, Physics: Dux of School

    Re: VCE Tutor - Maths Methods CAS, Specialist Math, Accounting, Physics: Dux of Schoo Bump
  2. S

    VCE Tutor - Maths Methods CAS, Specialist Math, Accounting, Physics: Dux of School

    Hi everyone, My name is Stephen Crouch. I am offering tuition for VCE Maths Methods CAS, Specialist Maths, Physics and Accounting. I graduated with an ENTER score of 99.45 and was the dux of my college in 2008. I understand that there is a lot of work involved in doing these subjects...
  3. S

    okay, 'over vce', well, for both ur maths subjects, what i would recommend is doing every single...

    okay, 'over vce', well, for both ur maths subjects, what i would recommend is doing every single question in the chapter ur tecaher gives you. for eg, if ur teacher says do exercise 2A, nos. 2a and 3e, you would go and do the whole of ex.2A. i guess with maths thats wat u gotta do. its wat i...