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  1. S

    TEXTBOOK SALE!!! mgmt1001, econ1203 (QMB), econ1101

    PM or send an email ( They are the most recent edition and I bought ALL the books brand-new from the bookshop. Are in awesome condition. MGMT1001: Management 5 IN TRANSIT ECON1203: Statstics for Management and Economics 8E IN TRANSIT ECON1102: Principles of Microeconomics 2E...
  2. S

    econ1101, econ1203, mgmt1001, acct1501

    mgmt1001 i was just wondering if anyone has the following textbook for sale? please PM me about the condition of the books and how much youre willing to sell them for. thank you (: mgmt1001 management + management in focus + mymanagement lab 5ed