There's not much to get, it's just the same joke over and over again; some nerdy guys over-complicating really simple things.
And the laugh tracks seem to go off everytime Sheldon says something, even if it's not remotely funny. Personally I don't see all the hype over this show.
I got 5 extra marks (teacher miscount, even though they use excel? wtf?) in my physics trial HSC. I didn't say anything (well quite a few others knew as well). It did end up boosting my rank by 1 or 2, but in the grand scheme of things it's not really like it's going to have such a huge effect...
If I was not to attend any of the week 0 Math1131 lectures/comp lab sessions, how disadvantaged would I be? Is it really necessary? I don't do a computing course.
Clint Eastwood did a great job, good acting on his part and some funny dialogue (racism = hilarity). Highly recommend this movie to anyone. My only complaint is that he didn't shoot one guy in the ENTIRE movie. I mean cmon, it's Eastwood.
Yes, can't stand the Telegraph at all. The journalism isn't very good and some of the headlines are just cringe-worthy.
the readers don't seem to bright either :haha: