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  1. E

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Ext 1

    1-4 were fairly easy 5a i fucked around with for too long before realizing i was doing it wrong LOL 5b was alrite i redid it at the end and ran out of time on part 3 6a was pretty easy 6b - ROFL.. wtf were the dots that confused the shit out of me 7 - get a few marks for the first part and b...
  2. E

    who else is screwed for ext 2 exam

    very very very very screwed lol.hoping for a pass in the exam =) party at my house if i do mechanics and 3unit are the hardest topiccsssgraphs and complex will get me the marks =)
  3. E

    soft iron core question

    heyy guys im looking at the properties of the soft iron core in a transformer. i was wondering if the soft iron core was double the length, so the distance between the two coils was doubled, would you expect the current to be halved. also how would a change in frequency affect the current.</SPAN>
  4. E

    Estimate my UAI please...

    umm schools ranking isnt that good like 150-170 im not so sure umm also with rank like will it say 2nd or 2/5 i was just wondering anyways i wanna do civil at UTS and thats an 85 so if i get like 70-80s in the hsc in my subject will that be enough like obviously im pushing to get as good as i...
  5. E

    What mark are you expecting in 4 unit?

    ROFL u guys are like expecting 95-100 in 4 unit :| wow i think if i go hard i can get in the 80s haha
  6. E

    Estimate my UAI please...

    hey was wondering what kinda mark i should be expecting 4 unit - 70 3 unit - 75 chem - 80 physics - 70 adv english - 75 all my ranks are in top 5 apart from english but its not really a big school thanks :)
  7. E

    Westinghouse Vs. Edison

    hey do you guys think in the case of Edison vs Westinghouse, that its more important to talk about the history, like say how Edison screwed over Tesla and that.. or how their generators were used i.e. electrocution and all that.. and i agree edisons a loser haha
  8. E

    Belonging- Jeannie Baker

    LOL mpf mpf mont blonc
  9. E

    Belonging- Jeannie Baker

    Perhaps you should choose better text. And brush up on your English.