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  1. N

    Little Miss Sunshine Belonging Quotes

    Anyone know any good quotes for belonging from Little Miss Sunshine? I would prefer if they were especially relevant to how there original disfunctional ways changed from start to the eventual end were they were a family
  2. N

    Does God exist?

    i wanted so badly to do religion studies at school :(. But i couldn't be bothered doing 3 unit english or maths. Damn 1 unit classes!
  3. N

    Does God exist?

    HELL FTW Buddhists will be there. how bad can it be?
  4. N

    Does God exist?

    Sorry if i didnt sound tender or compassionate but thats just my belief. Im not meaning to hurt anybody just wondering on what replies i may receive :)
  5. N

    Does God exist?

    I think its quite obvious god doesn't exist. These religious fanatics try so hard to make god real that in their own mind he exists. Usually the only reason someone is part of a religion is that they are born into a family which is part of a faith. They are brainwashed through their early life...